You enter a cavernous stone room with work benches and wires everywhere you look... Welcome to my workshop! I have a bunch of different experiments and tools in here, feel free to look around! There are notes attached to each project if you would like to learn more about them.
Svelte Kit Typescript | Prisma Fastify | Postgres RetoolStarted Nov. 2022
Launched Mar. 2023
Click-in is a student check-in app designed to make it easier for office staff to count how many lunches to order, input attendance, and predict future tardies/absences following COVID. Every day, we would arrive and fill out a google form, staff would then import the submissions to a google sheet and tally the data. Click-in makes it easier for students, since your information is saved after your first login, and comes with a dashboard that collects and counts everything automatically.
ScrimBoard - GH➚ DockerThe competitive Splatoon community is generally fragmented across various Discord servers, with most tournaments, teams, and resources having their own community hub. While this means each team feels like a family, it makes finding other teams to practice with rather difficult. In response, Lean Yoshi developed a tool called Unified Scrim Battlefield, which would repost "looking for scrimmage" messages across the largest community servers, however there wasn't any way to tell if a scrimmage had been found and responded to. After meeting Typos and bringing up the idea of making a new app built on the same concept with new features, they liked the idea and offered to help! To avoid conflicting systems, we checked with Lean to see if they would mind us developing a similar program. With their OK, ScrimBoard v1 launched a month later!
September Craft + Server Status Jelly Duck DNS Spiggot MC DockerStarted Apr. 2024
Launched May. 2024
There's nothing better than hearing your friends laugh, and while in many cases dumb ideas can lead to good ideas with time, sometimes it's better just to let them be dumb ideas.
September Craft is a Minecraft server started with my friends, family, and Splatoon community TOs running in a docker container, with the DNS handled by Duck DNS in case the server IP changes.
Being the excellent Network Engineering major that I am, the unstoppable server setup had a minimal down time rate of 45% per day! So I wrote a Discord bot to check if the server is online and notify me if it goes down so I can restart it (with a bunch of random silly canned responses, of course)
PizzAI Recipe Maker
GPT-2 & Neo TensorFlow | Flask DockerI attended a camp to learn more about AI back before many people knew about it. While my group tended to focus on the broader implementation of the project, I had a specific fascination with model training using an open source GPT-2 model and TensorFlow.
The overall goal of the project was to reduce food waste by creating recipes from any set of ingredients, especially odd sets. We later integrated PizzAI with an image classification model created by an adjacent team, allowing you to take a photo of the ingredients in your fridge and be given a recipe in return.
Svelte KitStarted Aug. at 3:30am
Launched at 7:30am
Keep track of how many meal swipes you have left with just a button. To be fair, it is a reasonably large button.
All you need is to select your meal plan. Weekly plans reset on Saturday at 7:00pm, after the dining hall closes.
Launch PWA ➚High School Community Garden
Blender PlywoodStarted Jan. 2024
Completed Mar. 2024
The garden design project started out as a normal class assignment, but rather than sketching out a design I opted to model one to scale in Blender. The staff liked my design, so in collaboration with the engineering teacher, a few volunteers, and a bit of coffee, we turned the design into a reality. I'm just glad we abandoned 3d printing bell siphons into the tube design and just went with a normal drip feeder.

Italian at 2
Long exposures were created by recording short video segments and closing the lens aperture. In post production, Davinci Resolve was used to smooth the lighting by blending frames together.

Holiday Grain
Freeform photos I took during Winter and edited the following March. Continuity was accidental.