
I wanted to stay in close contact with family and friends through a newsletter as I start a new chapter of my life. While I'm still working on the infrastructure that will run the newsletter alongside a redesign for this site, you can still subscribe to be added to the list automatically when it's ready! :)

If I met you in person, I'll give you a pin that you can use to subscribe to the newsletter. If you don't have one, you can request one from me.

How it works

The newsletter uses a Postgress backend accessed via Prisma to store your email, then the Fastmail API to deliver letters to your inbox. Make sure you whitelist "[email protected]"!

Why a newsletter?

As you may know I'm not really active on social media, I prefer to interact with people directly whether that means talking or texting. The primary issue is keeping everyone in the loop, with most standards not offering the tooling I'm looking for (social media is very limited for meaningful content organization, and might not show my content at all). With a newsletter, I can send out organized articles with short snippets from each day of my week, focusing on quality rather than quantity, while also guaranteeing delivery.